What led to this learning? During writing, I noticed my target learners and ELL were struggling with formation of ideas, had a very slow pace of writing and needed lots of teacher support during writing time. I gathered student voice and this led me to understand that my target group do not like planning and do not see the purpose in it. They also were concerned that they didn't write enough; that their spelling wasn't good enough and that they didn't enjoy spelling. A third noticing was that my students preferred writing about personal experiences rather that something unknown. My aim was to improve writing fluency, create more agentic learners and create a passion and love for writing. Summary of learning design: My learning design was focused around an ESOL teaching strategy - quick writing. I planned to have a set time of 10mins at the beginning of each writing session designated to Quick Writes as a writing warm up. Each day of the week I used the same structure e.g. M...
The tool measures the level of agency learners have to take ownership of their learning and make informed decision with the tools and strategies they use. The survey will provide us with detail so we can evaluate the progress over time and the shifts we need to make. It will provide us with information to make adjustments to our learning design and deliberate acts of teaching. We have standardised tests to access reading, writing and maths. We have designed a survey to provide us with more standardised and comparative data the focuses on the soft skills for example growing collaboration. The soft skills that are measured are Reliance/determination Self Aware Take Action Using Tools and Strategies Collaboration' Assessment Capable The 6 Agency capabilities are representative of across school CoL goals and come out of our Stonefields School signature practices.... These comprise of the 'big 3' Learning Pit, Learning ...