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Showing posts from November, 2019

Junior Agency Self Perception Tool (JAT)

The tool measures the level of agency learners have to take ownership of their learning and make informed decision with the tools and strategies they use.  The survey will provide us with detail so we can evaluate the progress over time and the shifts we need to make. It will provide us with information to make adjustments to our learning design and deliberate acts of teaching.  We have standardised tests to access reading, writing and maths. We have designed a survey to provide us with more standardised and comparative data the focuses on the soft skills for example growing collaboration.  The soft skills that are measured are Reliance/determination Self Aware Take Action Using Tools and Strategies Collaboration' Assessment Capable The 6 Agency capabilities are representative of across school CoL goals and come out of our Stonefields School signature practices.... These comprise of the  'big 3'  Learning Pit, Learning ...

Fire and the Flood - Developing a New Community

What led to this learning? This learning came out of observations from Term 1, where we saw limited acts of deliberate collaboration within our learners. When they did choose to collaborate, it was within their close peer friendship groupings and was more of a working alongside each other, rather than collaborating based on differentiated strengths to meet a shared goal. We wanted a learning experience where learners would be forced to rely on each other in order to succeed and give a shared emphasis on each learner playing their own unique part to realise communal success (or survival in this case.) Summary of learning design: This was the initial learning design where we brainstormed what kinds of facilities we might need in a new settlement. This was the prerequisite to the physical construction and town layout design. I have also included my amended Google draw reflection which was part of the later planning refining process. Reflection on Learning Design As this was given to learn...